The most unique faith-based course for managing stress, worry, and fear for the faithful Christian.

This new course is grounded in biblical fusion of research-backed coping strategies and the timeless wisdom of scripture that will give you the tools to align your mindset and actions with Scriptural direction to cultivate an unwavering sense of peace, purpose, and joy in your life. 


Before I tell you about this course, let's make sure you're a good fit!

YOU ARE RIGHT FOR MINDSET MIRACLES if you want to design better inner-dialogue free of self-doubt and constant negative thoughts that are making your heart anxious and beaten down.

Mindset Miracles is right for you if you want to design a life that feels exciting to wake up to everyday!

If you are...
  • The Devoted Christian  battling with intrusive thoughts that disrupt your peace.
  • The Overwhelmed Warrior battling the weight of stress, pain, and worry, and you're ready for a change.
  • The Seeking Soul seeking a personalized and faith-based approach to regain control over your mindset.
  • The Faithful Innovator ready to merge research-backed strategies with the timeless teachings of the Bible.
  • The Believer in Progress committed to personal growth, seeking freedom from emotional turmoil.
You're in the right place!

Mindset Miracles will give you the tools, inspiration, and faith filled support to help you start living a life free of worry and fear!

By the end of this program you will have...

Nailed your best coping strategies

You've not just discovered but successfully implemented the most effective coping strategies for your well-being. The bonus support period will start 2/24 and end 3/24.

Identified your body's alarm system

By recognizing your body's alarm system, you've taken a crucial step towards creating a foundation for inner peace and self-awareness.

taken thoughts captive & made them obedient to christ

You've harnessed the power to control your mind, aligning it with the peace and wisdom found in His word.

replaced unhelpful or hurtful thoughts

You've paved the way for a mindset filled with positivity, healing, and the strength to navigate life's challenges.

strengthened your foundation in christ

Fortified not only your spiritual roots but also laid the groundwork for resilience in the face of life's trials.

gained a support group that gets you

You've created a circle of encouragement and now have a community where you feel truly seen and valued.

"I used to think I was just a really empathetic person but I've realized I was a slave to my thoughts and emotions. It was causing me to betray my needs for everyone around me but it always left me on empty. This process really helped me to question my motives for doing things, increased my self-awareness and helped me get clear on my priorities so that I could spend my energy where it mattered most!"





Plain and Simple: Mindset Miracles Changes Lives and it's OFFICIALLY open!

(But not for long...)


"For the first time I was able to catch myself over-thinking and actually have a way out of it that felt good! It also improved my communication with my husband and my in-laws because I was more aware of what was getting in the way!"


"I feel confident again! I feel in the driver's seat of my own mind, even when hard thoughts come up, I have a way to process those thoughts instead of just being buried by them, which is what used to happen!"


"Learning these skills helped me to recognize when I was holding stress in my body and because I could see it more clearly I knew how to help myself before the stress and worry would explode and boil over onto my family."




27-Page Stress-less Workbook

Enrich your Mindset Miracles experience with our 27-Page Stress-less Workbook, designed to provide practical exercises, insightful prompts, and personalized strategies, ensuring a holistic approach to conquering stress and fostering lasting peace of mind. These are the exact strategies I have seen work wonders!

Inside Mindset Miracles alone, you get...


5 Implementation Modules

These power-packed modules arecarefully crafted to guide you through practical steps, ensuring effective and lasting integration of powerful strategies into your daily life.

faith-based coping strategies

Learn a spiritually grounded approach to navigating life's challenges, fostering a deep connection with your faith and a sense of peace that transcends circumstances.

biblical feelings wheel

Guiding you through the intricate landscape of feelings with wisdom from scripture, empowering you to navigate and express your emotions in alignment with your faith.

Complete step-by-step action plan

Seamlessly integrate transformative strategies into your daily life, ensuring a journey of growth and resilience that's both manageable and impactful.


That's over $1,000 in value!

Burning ?'s your fellow Mindset Miracles Students asked before joining

If you think this sounds amazing but you're still not 100% sure, keep reading... 

You should give Mindset Miracles a shot if you're motivated by any of the following:

You want your life back. badly!

Reclaim the life you crave by taking charge of your well-being—Mindset Miracles is your guide to breaking free from stress, fear, and worry, bringing you the peace and purpose you've been yearning for.

You're not afraid to put in the work

For those unafraid to put in the work, Mindset Miracles welcomes your dedication with a proven roadmap, ensuring your efforts translate into lasting transformation, so that you can conquer worry/fear and embrace a life of fulfillment and purpose.

You know there is no "perfect time" 

Waiting is not the answer! Mindset Miracles invites you to seize the opportunity now, empowering you to start your transformative journey towards a life filled with confidence, purpose, and faith-driven joy.

Changing your mindset isn't easy...


But it IS the biggest tool for reclaiming power over the strongholds in your life and designing a life filled with purpose and passion!

Without falling into the all-too-common trap of ruminating in fear or worry.

Whether your heart is set on gaining more self-confidence without worrying if you're “being too much”...

Or whether more positive self-talk could enhance your personal and professional relationships- think reigniting a passionate romance between you and your partner, receiving the BIG promotion you know you deserve, and the confidence to try new things without constantly worrying about what others are thinking.

A strong faith-fueled mindset can unlock unshakable confidence, control, and peace over your life.

(Okay, that feels pretty magical.)

But here's the inside scoop...


Not a single carefree and happy Christian hasn't had their strongholds to break and battles to fight. 

Very few Christians have started their self-development or faith journey feeling like they have 100% everything in the bag.

Just about everyone asks, "Am I being judged? Am I praying hard enough? Am I worthy of having everything I desire?"

I created mindset miracles to slowly, but surely replace those doubts with faith-based action.

Because here's the thing...

It has nothing to do with praying harder or in a more specific way. 

And your fear and worry do not make you a bad Christian or mean that you don't trust God.

The problem is your current thought patterns are causing pain, hurt, and unnecessary stress. These patterns also contribute to stress within your relationships, including your walk with God. 

And it's the one's who are willing to try, learn, and catch themselves before they ‘thought spiral’ that will see victory in their situation.

And I'm here to walk you with you through every step of the way.